

In addition to exporting coffee we import other products to Ethiopia
Kayon coffee

Import company in Ethiopia

The company is also engaged in the import of various various items from abroad which contribute to the development and success of our local customers and the country as a whole. Major import items include items such as cosmetics, foodstuff, shoes and leather care products for various companies.

Kayon Coffee

Imported Products

imported items

Foodstuff Items

  • Spaghetti & Macaroni
  • Olive Oil
  • Gums & Candies
  • Sardines
  • Biscuits & Confectioners
  • Basmati Rice and more
imported items


  • Baby Cosmetics
  • Adult Cosmetics
  • Sanitisers and more 
imported items

Shoe & Leather Care Products

  • Shoe Polish
  • Air freshener
  • Furniture Polish
  • Anti Dust and more

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