

Taro is one of the village  in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Guji Zone, Taro  is bordered on the south by Liben, on the southwest by  Odo Shakiso, on the west by Bore, on the north by the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, and on the East by the Bale Zone. The nearest town for Taro is yirgacheffee. 

Most communities in the region still live rurally and make a living from farming. Coffee is  mainly cash crop for most families in the taro region, who grow coffee alongside food for consumption, and other cash crops such as the Ethiopian banana. Taro coffee processing site is found in 2012 G.C by Ismael hassen  . Ismael has several coffee processing site from southern parts of Ethiopia and taro  processing site is one the biggest processing site .  People around Guji Taro push and support Ismael as he established coffee processing site called taro Processing site and the coffee producers were so far sold their coffee by lower price . after He found coffee processing site at taro the producers are sell their products (coffee ) by fair price and the taro area coffee producers are happy and their life status are completely changed. Additionally Ismael and his team are organized the coffee producers (farmers) under taro processing site and certified their farms by RA, ORGANIC, FAIR TRADE and CP STANDARDS . He believes in helping those community with education in husbandry and  constructed the school Grade 1- 4 at taro kebele, distributed vigorous variety of coffee seedling  to the coffee producers and financially assist the member farmers and supports an orphanage school in the neighbouring village.



1,800-2,100 masl



Soil Type

Fertile volcanic red Soil or deep sandy loam


Maximum 1200ml
Minimum 2000ml


Taro processing site has own dry mill and has a capacity to produce per 15 Bags/hour

Cherries are hand-sorted from unripe and overripe cherries before they go into floatation tanks, where the cherries are covered with water. Any cherries that float are removed. Whole, ripe cherries are then dried in the sunshine on raised African drying beds, which are laid out on hessian cloths for about 15–18 days depending on the weather conditions. The cherries are covered with plastic or shade nets during the midday heat and at night.

The natural process means that the beans are left to dry in the cherry after it is picked. This is a tricky process to do well, as the beans need to be turned over for a consistent and even drying. If some cherries are not dried it will give a moldy flavour to the cup as well as over fermented flavours. But when it is done well, it gives a sweet cup and a bigger body. In the case of taro the natural process is what enhances the blueberry mousse character in the coffee.



Taroprocessing unit has its own wet mill and has a capacity to produce 30Bags/hour.

Each day, red cherry  collected from farmers are carefully hand-picked coffee cherries are delivered to the taro wet mill and are hand-sorted prior to processing to remove unripe, overripe, or damaged fruit, in order to enhance the quality and sweetness of the cup.The coffee cherries are then pulped to remove the fruit and skin, and then graded by weight; heavier beans are superior quality and deliver a sweeter cup. After grading, the parchment-covered coffee is fermented in tanks of clean water for 36–72 hours to remove the mucilage (sticky covering) by allowing it to ferment and detach from the coffee. The coffee is then re-washed and graded again by density in washing channels and soaked in clean water. Then to it pass through three drying stages. Skin drying for 3 hours, slow drying for 3 days under plastic shade  and final drying for 10–15 days on African drying beds based     Environmental condition. Then  dried coffee is carefully hand-sorted, and any defects are removed. It is also turned regularly to ensure that it dries evenly and consistently. At midday, the coffee is covered to protect it from full sun.It is also covered overnight to prevent damage from morning dew. Once the coffee is dry it is rested in parchment until it is ready for export.



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